2 that was released to the public in 2012, many programmers are today opting to skip Pygame and focus their attention on more modern. I have Python 3.5.1 32-bits installed on Window and Pygame 1.9.2 Python 3.5 installed as well. But in case if i forget, is there a way to check the pygame version I have installed from either command line or Python IDLE. For Python, I use python -V. But for Pygame, I don't know how to. Answer: pip show pygame // command to check your pygame details. Ubuntu - pygame is available through apt-get in the Universe (1.9.1) Gentoo - pygame is available in the portage system (1.9.1 + 1.9.2prerelease) Fedora - Package repositories have support for pygame (1.9.1) Suse - The Yast package system has pygame (updated to 1.9.1) OLPC - comes with the XO, and sugar (1.9.1). Using a non-interactive backend: In order to integrate Matplotlib with Pygame, we need to use a non-interactive backend, otherwise Matplotlib will present us with a GUI window by default. We will import the main Matplotlib module and call the use function.

Discover the multimedia app maker

Pygame is an easy-to-use open-source program that lets people create a variety of programs. This software uses Python programming language -- one of the easier languages for people to learn.

Python’s multimedia application

Due to a lack of code updates and general maintenance, there are now simpler products in the market for making multimedia applications.

Pygame is a free and open-source programming language library that employs Python. You can use the software to make multimedia applications, including those related to art, music, sounds, videos, games, and multimedia projects.

One of the greatest advantages to this program is its ease of use while writing code. Although Python code is old, and its community is rather small, games are added to the website on a regular basis, and Pygame is included with most Linux downloads.

The code is extremely simple, and although some people appreciate this, Pygame uses a language that can create games but is not an actual game engine. The difference between the two names is the number of details that creators invest in the game.

You'll perhaps notice that not many additions have been integrated within Pygame. This is because the software uses Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) 1 instead of SDL 2. SDL 2 became available in 2012, and around that time the company who developed SDL quit providing software updates. As a result of all of this, you're better off using an alternative program to create multimedia applications.

Where can you run this program?

This program is available on Windows, as well as any computer using Linux.

Is there a better alternative?

Given how old the software is, there are multiple alternatives that are easier to use and understand. Some examples include Arcade Starter Engine and Godot Game Engine.

Our take

Due to the number of programs that perform the same tasks but use SDL 2, it doesn’t make sense to download this software.

Should you download it?

Pygame 1.9.2 Download

No. You shouldn’t download it.

Pygame 1.9.2a0


  • Easy to use for experienced programmers
  • Free open-source programming with Python


  • Code is old and outdated
  • There are easier programs available
  • Network support not built-in

Pygamefor Windows

