40k Awesome Purity Seal!: In my humble opinion, Warhammer 40k has the best setting in the games business. I simply love the mixture of futuristic and medieval theme! One of the iconic elements of this world are the purity seals, prayer of victory or protection borne by all k. Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. That are all connected in the 40k universe. This subreddit is for anything and everything related to Warhammer 40k. Download Caslon Antique Font Family Free for commercial use From Wikipedia:Caslon Antique is a decorative American typeface that was designed in 1894 by Berne Nadall.

  1. Warhammer 40k Frontier World Generator
  2. Warhammer 40k Fonts Download
  3. Warhammer 40k Fortress

I am fascinated by fonts. I have no professional expertise in them, but I take great pleasure in identifying them and selecting them. It’s an interest that naturally extends to the typography of Warhammer.

While not everyone will share my fascination, some might at least be interested in one of its results. I have put together a Word template that replicates fairly closely the look of the original WFRP1 rulebook.

Warhammer 40k Frontier World Generator

The text of the original rulebook was set in a version of Garamond (probably ITC Garamond). The initial capitals were in Stonehenge and the headings in Casanova Antique. My template uses the closest available free digital fonts. The text is in the default Garamond font in Word. Moria Citadel and Caslon Antique stand in for Stonehenge and Casanova Antique. Calibri is used for the dots that bracket headings.

It’s not perfect, but it’s very close. The template can be downloaded for free from here. It requires the Caslon Antique and Moria Citadel fonts to be installed.

Warhammer 40k Fonts Download

Warhammer 40k Font

Warhammer 40k Fortress

Title image used without permission. No challenge intended to the rights holders.