Hack The User Interface. Now, let’s look at some commands you can issue in the Terminal to mess around with the user interface, to help you use your Mac the way you want, rather than the way. Dude you cant use crosh to hack anything I don’t think, and I also don’t think you can hack anything with JUST commands but if you are honestly interested in hacking i recommend learning some basic coding and using an IDE like VSCode and using a program which will hide your identity and whatnot such as TOR or I2P, both of those work very.

  1. Crosh Commands Hack On Mac
  2. Crosh Commands Hack On Mac Download
  3. Crosh Commands Hack On Mac Free
  4. Crosh Commands Hack On Mac Computer
To properly go under the hood and hack around on a Samsung Chromebook 2, you’ll need to put it into developer mode. Whether using crosh or installing Chromium or other operating systems or just doing some pretty cool stuff, you’ll need to throw the thing into developer mode. Because you have so much control you should leave developer mode off when you’re not hacking around for security purposes. Note: Before you switch back and forth, know that user accounts will be reset each time you switch. Now, to enter developer mode, we’ll first go into recovery mode, using the Escape (ESC) and Refresh (F3) buttons on the keyboard when you press the Power button. When the Recovery screen comes up, use Ctrl-D to switch to developer mode and then when prompted, confirm and the device will reboot into developer mode (or dev-mode for the geeky). When you see the boot screen, wait 30 seconds to boot or just hit Control-D. To switch back to normal mode from developer mode use the crossystem command followed by disable_dev_request and set that to one and then reboot. To make this a shell one-liner: crossystem disable_dev_request=1; reboot And that’s it. Happy hackin’!This page has two sections. First up is a table of commands, and then later in the page, you’ll find a quick and dirty guide (originally posted as its own article) on actually getting into and using the cross environment.Hack
exitExit the crosh Shell
helpDisplay the crosh help
help_advancedShow advanced crosh commands; primarily used for debugging.
ping[-c count] [-i interval] [-n] [-s packetsize] [-W waittime] < destination >Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to a network host. If < destination > is “gw” then the next hop gateway for the default route is used.It works just like the ping command on other operating systems. Press Ctrl+C to stop the ping process or halt any other command in Crosh.
sshStarts the ssh subsystem if invoked without any arguments.“ssh < user > < host >”, “ssh < user > < host > < port >”, “ssh < user >@< host >”. or “ssh < user >@< host > < port >” connect without entering the subsystem.
ssh_forget_hostRemove a host from the list of known ssh hosts. This command displays a menu of known hosts and prompts for the host to forget.
topSets the chapsd log level. No arguments can start verbose logging.
battery_test [< test length >]Tests battery discharge rate for given number of seconds. No argument will default to 300s test.
bt_console <agent>Enable the Bluetooth debugging console
chaps_debug [start | stop | < log_level >]Sets the chapsd logging level. No arguments will start verbose logging.
connectivityShows connectivity status.
experimental_storage < status | enable | disable >Enable or disable experimental storage features.
ff_debug [< tag_expr >] [–help] [–list_valid_tags] [–reset]Add and remove ff debugging tags.
memory_testPerforms extensive memory testing on the available free memory.
modem < command > [args…]Interact with the 3G modem. Run “modem help” for detailed help.
modem_set_carrier carrier-nameConfigures the modem for the specified carrier.
network_diag [–date] [–link] [–show-macs] [–wifi] [–help] [–wifi-mon] < host >A function that performs a suite of network diagnostics. Saves a copy of the output to your download directory.
network_logging < wifi | cellular | ethernet >A function that enables a predefined set of tags useful for debugging the specified device.
p2p_update [enable | disable]Enables or disables the peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing of updates over the local network. This will both, attempt to get updates from other peers in the network and share the downloaded updates with them. Run this command without arguments to see the current state.
rlz < status | enable | disable >Enable or disable RLZ.
rollbackAttempt to rollback to the previous update cached on your system. Only available on non-stable channels and non-enterprise enrolled devices. Please note that this will powerwash your device.
route [-n] [-6]Display the routing tables.
set_apn [-n < network-id >] [-u < username >] [-p < password >] < apn >Set the APN to use when connecting to the network specified by < network-id >. If < network-id > is not specified, use the network-id of the currently registered network.
set_apn – cClear the APN to be used, so that the default APN will be used instead.
set_arpgw < true | false >Turn on extra network state checking to make sure the default gateway is reachable.
set_cellular_ppp [-u < username >] [-p < password >]Set the PPP username and/or password for an existing cellular connection. If neither -u nor -p is provided, show the existing PPP username for the cellular connection.
set_cellular_ppp -cClear any existing PPP username and PPP password for an existing cellular connection.
sound < command > < argument >Low level sound configuration. Can be used to play/record audio samples and enable beam forming on Pixel.“sound beamforming < on | off >” will enable/disable the feature.“sound record [duration]” will start recording.“sound play < filename >” will play the recorded audio samples.
storage_statusReads storage device SMART health status, vendor attributes and error log.
storage_test_1Performs a short offline SMART test.
storage_test_2Performs an extensive readability test.
syslog < message >Logs a message to syslog.
tpcontrol {status | taptoclick [on|off] sensitivity [1-5] | set < property > <value>}tpcontrol {syntp [on|off]}Manually adjust advanced touchpad settings.
tracepath [-n] < destination >[/port]Trace the path/route to a network host.
update_over_cellular [enable|disable]Enables or disables the auto updates over cellular networks. Run without arguments to see the current state.
upload crashesUploads available crash reports to the crash server.
wpa_debug [< debug_level >] [–help] [–list_valid_level] [–reset]Set wpa_supplicant debugging level.
xset m [acc_mult[/acc_div] [thr]]xset m defaultTweak the mouse acceleration rate.
xset r rate [delay [rate]]Tweak autorepeat rates. The delay is the number of milliseconds before autorepeat starts. The rate is the number of repeats per second.
xset r [keycode] < on|off >Turn autorepeat on/off. If keycode is specified, it affects only that key. If not specified, it affects global behavior.
To open Crosh: Control-Alt-T
  • Find commands: help
  • Find debugging commands: help_advanced
  • To switch to a more bash-like command prompt: shell
  • To see the version of Chrome OS running on your Chromebook:
  • sudo /opt/google/chrome/chrome –version
  • To show the operating system name: uname -a
  • If the operating system is a bit old, update it using the update_engine_client command: update_engine_client -update
  • To see the bios of your Chromebook, open up a command prompt (Control-Alt-T) and use the following command: sudo /usr/sbin/chromeos-firmwareupdate -V
  • To record some sound from the microphone, use the sound command: sound record NUMBEROFSECONDS Look for (or grep for) BIOS version in the output.
  • To see the Vital Product Data, or configuration information such as time zone, UUID, IMEI, model, region, language, keyboard layout and serial number: sudo dump_vpd_log --full --stdout
  • Or to be specific about what you’re looking for, grep for it: sudo dump_vpd_log --full --stdout | grep 'serial_number'
  • To capture some logs for debugging, use systrace: sudo systrace
  • To manage the mouse and keyboard acceleration and autorepeat options, use the xset command: xset m
  • Trace a network path (like traceroute or tracert): tracepath www.google.com
  • To run standard network diagnostics: network_diag
  • To capture some packets while troubleshooting network connections, use the packet_capture command: packet_capture
  • Check the type, version, etc on your touchpad: tpcontrol status
  • You can also debug network connections by logging data going through either the wifi, cellular or ethernet interface using the network_logging command. To do so for a normal 802.11 connection: network_logging wifi
  • To configure WAP information: wpa_cli
  • Accept an SSL Cert by using the enterprise_ca_approve command: enterprise_ca_approve --allow-self-signed https://entca.krypted.com
Many standard Linux commands work as well, including route, mount, cat, cp, chmod, reboot, echo, tr, cut, mkdir, see, if/then, ls, cd, pwd, su, sudo, etc.To see IP address information: Crosh commands hack on macsudo ifconfig eth0

Crosh Commands Hack On Mac

  • To see all of the running processes: top
  • To see a user’s hid and gid, use id: id
  • To see more information To ping Google: ping www.google.com
To connect to another system, you can use ssh and there’s an ssh_forget_host command to clear a given host from your hosts list.

Crosh Commands Hack On Mac Download

  • To see a list of the commands you’ve run: shell_history
  • To close the command prompt: exit

Crosh Commands Hack On Mac Free

By default, the Chromium OS rootfs is read-only. If you boot the system in developer mode, you will be able to disable rootfs verification and modify existing files or write new files into the file system. Before you do this, note that your file system will no longer be verifiable (won’t checksum properly) and you’ll end up needing to restore a recovery image in order to get back to normal mode. So this might be a bit dangerous if you’re not using the device for something like regression analysis (why I needed to do this).

Crosh Commands Hack On Mac Computer

  • To make the file system writeable, first fire up a command prompt via crosh, by using Control-Alt-T and then running the shell command at the shell prompt: shell
  • Then run the following shell script to remote rootfs verification and make the file system writeable: sudo /usr/share/vboot/bin/make_dev_ssd.sh --remove_rootfs_verification
  • Then reboot and do whatever it is you need to do.For example, install a vine server and run automation scripts to do regression testing. Enjoy.