Syntony: In evolutionary systems thinking, evolutionary consonance, the occurrence and persistence of an evolutionarily tuned dynamic regime, a purposeful creative aligning and tuning with the evolutionary flows of one's milieu. In traditional radio engineering, a condition in which two oscillators have the same resonant frequency. Thinking in Systems: International Bestseller by Donella Meadows. Digital Rights Management (DRM) The publisher has supplied this book in encrypted form, which means that you need to install free software in order to unlock and read it. PDF Download Thinking in Systems: A Primer, Donella Meadows Download - This link is hosted for free and is available for download PDF Download Thinking in Systems: A Primer, Donella Meadows. Download Free Donella Meadows Thinking In Systems Pdf Free Love O2o Pemain Torrent Managing Successful Projects With Prince 2 Process Model The Systems Thinking Playbook: Exercises to Stretch and Build Learning and Systems Thinking Capabilities PDF ebook. Donella Meadows, author of Thinking in.

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See our Systems Thinking Resources below!

Concepts and Frameworks

The Five Learning Disciplines

Developed by renowned systems thinker Peter Senge, these five disciplines each enhance the ability of a person or organization to use learning effectively. Leveraged together, they contribute heavily to the success of learning organizations, defined by Senge as, “…organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning to see the whole together.”

The five learning disciplines are

  1. Personal Mastery
  2. Mental Models
  3. Shared Vision
  4. Team Learning
  5. Systems Thinking

For descriptions of each of these disciplines, visit the Society for Organizational Learning’s website. To read a more in-depth discussion of Senge’s ideas, we recommend this article from Infed.

U Process

U Process, also know as Theory U, is a useful methodology for collectively approaching difficult problems and developing innovative, appropriate solutions. This process, pictured below, guides participants through a series of steps. It begins by observing reality as it is, retreating and reflecting on those observations, and then enacting a new reality.

For more information about U Process, visit the Presencing Institute. This presentation by Dr. C. Otto Scharmer of the Presencing Institute is especially helpful in understanding the theory.


Biomimicry is the concept of using natural forms, materials, and processes as models to drive human innovation. Because it has been evolving and perfecting its systems for millions of years, nature can provide powerful examples of sustainable solutions. For instance, an oyster’s mechanisms for filtering water might be used to inform man-made filtration systems, or a forest ecosystem that breaks down and reuses its own detritus might inform the design of a waste-treatment facility.

The consulting company Biomimicry 3.8 has a great introduction to this approach to problem solving. More helpful resources can be found at the Biomimicry Institute, their nonprofit counterpart. For teaching and learning resources check out AskNature Resources.

Double Loop Learning


Double loop learning is a learning process that goes beyond surface level goals, techniques, and responses to target the assumptions and values underlying the system. The idea is to enable solutions to problems that are complex and ill-structured. Argyris and Schön, who developed and elaborated the double loop theory, describe different types of learning as follows:

When the error detected and corrected permits the organization to carry on its present policies or achieve its presents objectives, then that error-and-correction process is single-loop learning. Single-loop learning is like a thermostat that learns when it is too hot or too cold and turns the heat on or off. The thermostat can perform this task because it can receive information (the temperature of the room) and take corrective action. Double-loop learning occurs when error is detected and corrected in ways that involve the modification of an organization’s underlying norms, policies and objectives.

If we continue the example of the thermostat above, a double loop thermostat would ask why before altering the temperature–are there people here to enjoy the heat? Are the people dressed appropriately? Could we open or close a window instead? The double loop thermometer takes into account its current environment and situation when making decisions.To learn more about this learning tool, try reading Infed’s article on Chris Argyris or visiting Instructional Design’s Double Loop Learning page.

Image courtesy of Don Clark and his OODA and Double-Loop Learning Activity page


The Iceberg Model

The iceberg model is a valuable tool to encourage systemic thinking and help you contextualize an issue as part of a whole system. By asking you to connect an event–a single incident or occurrence–to patterns of behavior, systems structures, and mental models, the iceberg allows you to see the structures underlying the event. Just like an iceberg, 90% of which is invisible beneath the water, these structures are often hidden below the surface. However, if you can identify them and connect them to the events that you are seeing, you may be able to develop lasting solutions that target the whole system rather than short term, reactive solutions.

We have a copy of the iceberg model hanging in our office. Download this file to print out your own!

The Bathtub Theorem

This simple theorem is easily visualized by imagining a bathtub: water enters the tub via the faucet and it exits through the drain, through leaks, or by overflowing the sides. These two flows of water–the inflow and the outflow–together determine the water level and stability of the bathtub. To maintain a constant level, the inflow must equal the outflow.

The bathtub theorem is a useful mental model when thinking about issues like economics and climate change. This simulation from Climate Interactive is an excellent way to familiarize yourself with the theorem while simultaneously learning about the relationship between carbon emissions and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.

Stock and Flow Diagramming

These diagrams are an important way to visualize and understand how a system of different elements is working together. As Donella Meadows wrote in Thinking in Systems,”If you understand the dynamics (behavior over time) of stocks and flows, you understand a good deal about the behavior of complex systems.” In describing stocks and flows, Donella Meadows stated, “A system stock is just what it sounds like: a store, a quantity of material or information that has built up over time. It may be a population, an inventory, the wood in a tree, the water in a well, the money in a bank…Stocks change over time through the actions of flows, usually actual physical flows into or out of a stock–filling, draining, births, deaths, production, consumption, growth, decay, spending, saving. Stocks, then, are accumulations, or integrals, of flows.”

Below is a more complex example of a stock and flow diagram that illustrates the volume of living wood in a forest. For more information on stocks and flows and this diagram, read this excerpt from Thinking in Systems.

Open Space

Open Space is a technique for organizing meetings, conferences, symposiums, and community events. Open Space meetings are focused around a particular topic or purpose, but they begin without a formal agenda. Participants are asked to create the agenda themselves by proposing topics that feel important to them, and in this way Open Space events are tailored to the needs and interests of participants. For more information about Open Space principles and hot to use them, read this primer or visit

World Café

World Café is a tool that facilitates dialogue amongst large groups. It’s simple, flexible approach is based on seven design principles:

  1. Set the Context
  2. Create Hospitable Space
  3. Explore Questions that Matter
  4. Encourage Everyone’s Contribution
  5. Connect Diverse Perspectives
  6. Listen Together for Patterns and Insights
  7. Share Collective Discoveries

Events hosted using the World Café process are broken into multiple short discussion sessions. During each session, participants meet around tables in small groups to discuss a question posed at the beginning of that round, and then move to a new table with different people before the next round of discussions. At the end of the meeting, insights from the many discussions are shared with the entire group.

If you’d like to learn more, the World Café website is a great source of information about this dialogue process.

Graphic Facilitation

Graphic facilitation is the process of translating complex concepts into a visual language of words and pictures and recording them in real time. This strategy can be a very effective way to summarize and communicate complex ideas and to allow participants to see and internalize the big picture of a discussion or presentation.

The following example by graphic facilitator Brandy Agerbeck helps to explain the graphic facilitation process and how it can help clarify and synthesize ideas. For more information, the Center for Graphic Facilitation is a great resource, as is Stine Arensbach’s Graphic Facilitation website.

Guided Envisioning of a Sustainable World

This exercise was inspired by “Envisioning a Sustainable World,” a speech delivered by Donella Meadows at a 1994 Sustainability Conference in Costa Rica. Download this PDF tool to use as a guide for envisioning: a vital first step toward any goal.

Organizations and Online Tools

The Waters Foundation

The Waters Foundation is dedicated to promoting the use of systems thinking concepts, habits, and tools in K-12 schools. They have developed a variety of resources for teachers, students, and individuals interested in increasing their systems literacy. These many resources include a detailed page explaining 13 habits of a systems thinker, as well as their free WebEd course with nine modules that help users develop the systems thinking skills. Teachers can find lesson ideas and even entire lesson plans in their resources section.

Creative Learning Exchange

Creative Learning Exchange is another organization that promotes systems dynamics and systems thinking education in schools. Led by a group of systems thinking leaders, including MIT Professor Emeritus Jay Forrester, the organization offers lessons for K-12 students as well as opportunities for educators to explore systems concepts on their own. In addition, the Creative Learning Exchange hosts a biennial conference on systems thinking in education.

Linda Booth Sweeney’s Website

As an educator and author, Linda Booth Sweeney has a wealth of experience helping others to understand and work within living systems. Her website provides visitors with accessible materials that help communicate complex systems concepts. It features an extensive list of books and resources about systems thinking, as well as Talking About Systems, Linda’s own blog about systems-related issues.

Moon Ball Rules one of the games in “Systems Thinking Playbook” by Linda Booth Sweeney and Dennis Meadows

A glossary of terms relating to systems theory.


  • Adaptive capacity: An important part of the resilience of systems in the face of a perturbation, helping to minimise loss of function in individual human, and collective social and biological systems.
  • Allopoiesis: The process whereby a system produces something other than the system itself.
  • Allostasis: The process of achieving stability, or homeostasis, through physiological or behavioral change.
  • Autopoiesis: The process by which a system regenerates itself through the self-reproduction of its own elements and of the network of interactions that characterize them. An autopoietic system renews, repairs, and replicates or reproduces itself in a flow of matter and energy. Note: from a strictly Maturanian point of view, autopoiesis is an essential property of biological/living systems.


  • Black box: A technical term for a device or system or object when it is viewed primarily in terms of its input and output characteristics.
  • Boundaries: The parametric conditions, often vague, always subjectively stipulated, that delimit and define a system and set it apart from its environment.


  • Cascading failure: Failure in a system of interconnected parts, where the service provided depends on the operation of a preceding part, and the failure of a preceding part can trigger the failure of successive parts.
  • Closed system: A system which can exchange energy (as heat or work), but not matter, with its surroundings.
  • Complexity: A complex system is characterised by components that interact in multiple ways and follow local rules. A complicated system is characterised by its layers.
  • Culture: The result of individual learning processes that distinguish one social group of higher animals from another. In humans culture is the set of interrelated concepts, products and activities through which humans rahil group 5036 themselves, interact with each other, and become aware of themselves and the world around them.


  • Development: The process of liberating a system from its previous set of limiting conditions. It is an amelioration of conditions or quality.
  • Dissipative structure: A term invented by Ilya Prigogine to describe complex chemical structures undergoing the process of chemical change through the dissipation of entropy into their environment, and the corresponding importation of 'negentropy' from their environment. Also known as syntropic systems.

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  • Embeddedness: A state in which one system is nested in another system.
  • Emergence: The appearance of novel characteristics exhibited on the level of the whole ensemble, but not by the components in isolation.
  • Enantiostasis: The ability of an open system, especially a living organism, to stabilize and conserve function in spite of an unstable environment.
  • Entanglement: A state in which the manner of being, or form of existence, of one system is inextricably tied to that of another system or set of systems.
  • Entropy: In physics, entropy is a measure of energy that is expended in a physical system but does no useful work, and tends to decrease the organizational order of the system.
  • Environment: The context within which a system exists. It is composed of all things that are external to the system, and it includes everything that may affect the system, and may be affected by it at any given time.
  • Equifinality: In open systems, the principle that the same final state can be reached from different initial conditions, or in different ways.[1]
  • Evolution: A tendency toward greater structural complexity, ecological and/or organizational simplicity, more efficient modes of operation, greater dynamic harmony, etc. As a cosmic process, it is not limited to the domain of biological phenomena, but extends to include all aspects of change in open dynamic systems with a throughput of information and energy.
  • Evolutionary systems: A type of system which reproduces with mutation.


  • Feedback: A functional monitoring signal obtained from a given dynamic and continuous system. A feedback function only makes sense if this monitoring signal is looped back into an eventual control structure within a system and compared with a known desirable state. The difference between the feedback monitoring signal and the desirable state of the system gives the notion of error. The amount of error can guide corrective actions in the system that can bring the system back to the desirable state.


  • Heterarchy: An ordering of things in which there is no single peak or leading element, and in which the element that is dominant at a given time depends on the total situation. The term is often used in contrast to hierarchy, i.e. a vertical arrangement of entities (systems and their subsystems), usually ordered from the top downwards rather than from the bottom upwards.
  • Holarchy: A concept invented by Arthur Koestler to describe behavior that is partly a function of individual nature and partly a function of the nature of the embedding system, generally operating in a bottom upwards fashion.
  • Holism: A non-reductionist descriptive and investigative strategy for generating explanatory principles of whole systems. Attention is focused on the emergent properties of the whole rather than on the reductionist behavior of the isolated parts.
  • Holon (philosophy): A whole in itself as well as a part of a larger system.
  • Homeorhesis: A concept encompassing dynamical systems which return to a trajectory, as opposed to systems which return to a particular state, which is termed homeostasis.
  • Homeostasis: The property of either an open system or a closed system (especially a living organism) which regulates its internal environment so as to maintain a stable, constant condition.
  • Human activity systems: Designed social systems organized for a purpose, which they attain by carrying out specific functions.


  • Isolated system: A system in which the total energy-mass is conserved without any external exchange happening.


  • Lowerarchy: A specific type of hierarchy involving a 'bottom up' arrangement of entities such that the few are influenced by the many.


  • Metastability: The ability of a non-equilibrium state to persist for some period of time.
  • Model building: A disciplined inquiry by which a conceptual (abstract) representation of a system is constructed or a representation of expected outcomes/output is portrayed.


Open System Model (basics)
  • Open system: A state and characteristics of that state in which a system continuously interacts with its environment. Open systems are those that maintain their state and exhibit the characteristics of openness previously mentioned.
  • Structure–organization–process: See Structure–organization–process for various definitions.


  • Process: A naturally occurring or designed sequence of actions of an agent or changes of properties or attributes of an object or system.
  • Process model: An organized arrangement of systems concepts and principles that portray the behavior of a system through time. Its metaphor is the 'motion-picture' of 'movie' of the system.
  • Structure–organization–process: See Structure–organization–process for various definitions.


  • Reductionism: One kind of scientific orientation that seeks to understand phenomena by a) breaking them down into their smallest possible parts (a process known as analytic reductionism), or conversely b) conflating them to a one-dimensional totality (a process known as holistic reductionism).


  • Self-organization: A process in which the internal organization of a system, normally an open system, increases in complexity without being guided or managed by an outside source.
  • Self-organizing systems: Systems that typically (though not always) display emergent properties.
  • Steady state: A state in which the variables (called state variables) which define the behavior of a system or a process are unchanging in time. In chemistry, it is a more general situation than dynamic equilibrium. If a system is in steady state then the recently observed behaviour of the system will continue into the future. In stochastic systems, the probabilities that various states will be repeated will remain constant.
  • Strong emergence: A type of emergence in which the emergent property is irreducible to its individual constituents.
  • Structure–organization–process: See Structure–organization–process for various definitions.
  • Subsystem: A major component of a system. It is made up of two or more interacting and interdependent components. Subsystems of a system interact in order to attain their own purpose(s) and the purpose(s) of the system in which they are embedded.
  • Suprasystem: The entity that is composed of a number of component systems organized in interacting relationships in order to serve their embedding suprasystem.
  • Sustainability: The ability of a system to maintain itself with no loss of function for extended periods of time. In human terms it is an ideal of creative and responsible stewardship of resources—human, natural, and financial—to generate stakeholder value while contributing to the well-being of current and future generations of all beings.
  • Synchrony or synchronicity: In engineering; concurrence of periods and/or phases; simultaneity of events or motions: contemporaneous occurrences. In evolutionary systems thinking; a fortunate coincidence of phenomenon and/or of events.
  • Synergy: The process by which a system generates emergent properties resulting in the condition in which a system may be considered more than the sum of its parts, or equal to the sum of its parts plus their relationships.
  • Syntony: In evolutionary systems thinking, evolutionary consonance, the occurrence and persistence of an evolutionarily tuned dynamic regime, a purposeful creative aligning and tuning with the evolutionary flows of one's milieu. In traditional radio engineering, a condition in which two oscillators have the same resonant frequency.
  • Syntropy: The process of negentropy-importation. A syntropic system is a dissipative structure.
  • Systems design: A decision-oriented disciplined inquiry that aims at the construction of a model that is an abstract representation of a future system.
  • Soft systems methodology: A systemic approach for tackling real-world problematic situations, an approach which provides a problem-structuring framework for users to deal with the kind of messy problem situations that lack a formal problem definition.


  • Weak emergence: A type of emergence in which the emergent property is reducible to its individual constituents.
  • White-box testing: A technical term for a device or system analyzed or tested based on knowledge of its internal structure (compare to Black box).
  • Wholeness: In reference to systems, the condition in which systems are seen to be structurally divisible, but functionally indivisible wholes with emergent properties.

See also[edit]

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  1. ^Bertalanffy, Ludwig von (1972-01-19). General system theory : foundations, development, applications (Rev. ed.). New York: G. Braziller. ISBN0807604526. OCLC4442775.

External links[edit]

Look up Category:Systems theory in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
  • Web Dictionary of Cybernetics and Systems from the Principia Cybernetica Web.
  • The ASC Glossary of Cybernetics by the American Society for Cybernetics
  • ASC Glossary on Cybernetics and Systems Theory by Stuart Umpleby (ed.) from the American Society for Cybernetics.
  • International Encyclopedia of Cybernetics and Systems, edited by Charles François, (1997) München: K. G. Saur.

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